There is a huge amount I could tell you about myself, but for now, I'm just going to give you a little bit of an idea of the purpose of my blog, and I will introduce myself gradually over the course of time.
I'm a student of American Studies and English Literature, and I'm just at the end of my second year. I ended up at uni a couple of years ago after an epiphany moment when I realised that all those hopes and dreams I had when I was younger had come to nothing. I decided to make some big changes in my life and to work hard to have the life I have always really wanted. This blog is my way of recording my successes and my failures throughout this journey. I know it won't be easy. I suffer from periods of poor mental health which is a challenge in itself, but it will also be a challenge (although hopefully a nice one) working out what my dreams really are! And I've spent 40 plus years cultivating some really bad habits, so it's going to be hard to break them, but we have to start somewhere; maybe this is the time in my life when magic is in the air and I will really, truly be able to turn my dreams into reality.
I hope you'll come back to see how I'm doing, and mostly, I hope that if you, like me, are fed up with not having the life you want, you will take the decision to make the right changes so that you can look forward to a bright future.
Here's to good decisions and not being afraid of change!